
how to torture somebody, in legal way

i already passed my midterm 2 days ago, bird has been release from a cage, haaaaaah so free !!
but, i'm worried about the results. I hope i get the credit score the way i expect, and i want. so keep praying for me guys, if you want to :)

anyway, i just feel so crap this week. Obviously when i have to fill that arabic nonsense test. Seriously, i have no idea what i have to do when i face that task, AT ALL.
so i decided to re-write the question, it seems like i know the answer which i didn't and won't to know. Not really surprised if i got remedial, in fact, i got that in the bag already.

but that's not the worst. I have another worse thing in my mind, or just someone who took everything from me with her giant hypocrite hand, such a gold digger. Have you been hate somebody so much and want to torture him/her but you can't and you couldn't because your morality and religion ? well i have an idea. Just check it out

oh and for the record, there's nothing between this advice and love. Some of you maybe know that i allergic with that stuff

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